Taking every opportunity

Take every opportunity to identify smokers, document their smoking or vaping status, and offer treatment and support.

Your brief assessment and advice to quit smoking or vaping can act as a prompt to attempt quitting. Research shows that the cost per year of life saved by smoking or vaping cessation interventions makes them one of the most cost-effective healthcare interventions.

Be aware of the positive impact you can have on your patient’s smoking or vaping behaviours. As a health professional, you're in an excellent position to motivate and support your patients to quit smoking or vaping.

The conversation you have with a patient today may be the one that motivates them to quit.

Starting a conversation

There are resources to assist you in engaging patients in smoking or vaping cessation conversations, including:

It’s all about how you phrase the conversation. It should never seem like you're lecturing or imparting judgement during an intervention. Your casualness, empathy and understanding all play a part in the smoker internalising your message.

Tips for your conversation

Review quitting methods

A wide variety of options are available for smokers depending on their individual situation. Familiarise yourself with quitting methods in the Choose your method section.

Refer patients to Quitline for further support

Quitline is a service for people who smoke or vape and want information and support to quit. It also provides advice to health professionals. It provides expert advice over the phone and offers a range of programs to assist individuals with cessation based on their needs. Your patients can call Quitline on 13 78 48 or request a call.