Online support can make it so much easier
Plenty of free tools, programs and services are available to help keep you on track, along with the support of your family and friends.
You can call Quitline on 13 78 48 and for the cost of a local call, you can access free information and practical assistance. Quitline counsellors can help you prepare to quit. You can also discuss quitting with your local GP, pharmacist or community health worker.
Using technology can be a great distraction from smoking, keeping you busy when you’re quitting. Try the following free apps for motivation and support.
My QuitBuddy app
Use the My QuitBuddy App for motivation and support. Set your own goals and record messages from loved ones. Log daily progress and view the health benefits that you’ve reached. Try the My QuitBuddy App today!

Try this free interactive website designed to help you quit. QuitCoach provides you with a personalised plan based on your responses to questions about your motivation, confidence and past attempts. It’s useful advice wherever you are on your quitting journey.